Old Harry and his Wife

What if we forgot to start pre-season,
found a training camp for enjoying time
above crickets and distant fireflies?

What if we only started the season
to fulfil a contract? Where is the passion
which made us run through the tail end of June

on stony wasteland between the chines

when no-one was watching or measuring
shots and misses or all the ground covered
as the sun hung on to its residence?

What if we forgot to start pre-season
so ‘The league table never lies’
means nothing but everyone is equal

as light floods the piers and beaches of Boscombe
and Bournemouth, Old Harry and his Wife
constant in the season’s incoming tide.


Author: Alex Saynor

I like to write poems set around The River Thames, Central Berkshire, South West London, Bournemouth and South Wales - I’ve recently had poems published by Two Rivers Press, Football Poets, Places of Poetry and Wokingham Today. Further background to my interest in Reading and surrounding areas: https://tworiverspress.com/2023/09/05/margins-of-reading-a-poem-by-alex-saynor-for-peter-robinson/amp/

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