St. Patrick’s Stream

What was the time by St. Patrick’s Stream
when light on the contours of a bluebell wood
was perfect for Country Life? Your unassuming eye
was the editor’s choice for a full half-page.

Grasses were high with the pollen count;
wasps hovered over tin cans and a stray canoe
caught in the rushes where the stream meandered.

Now it’s left to others to seek new flowers:
the chestnut tree that told you the season.

Go to St. Patrick’s Stream for the Monarch,
Plain Tiger, Bath White: new generations
of little bittern, redstart and red kite
bearing messages from anonymous others
of all they carried through years in flight.

Author: Alex Saynor

I like to write poems set around The River Thames, Central Berkshire, South West London, Bournemouth and South Wales - I’ve recently had poems published by Two Rivers Press, Football Poets, Places of Poetry and Wokingham Today. Further background to my interest in Reading and surrounding areas:

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